Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Post #7

An acceptable use policys are rules that explain what the regulations are for a business or public place. An acceptable use policy is used at glenvar with the students who get laptops and for the code of conduct. 5 rules for glenvar are:

All provisions of the RCPS Acceptable Use Policy must be observed by students using mobile computers both in and outside of school.

ONLY authorized educational programs installed by RCPS staff may be used on Roanoke County mobile computers assigned to students.

Students shall not download, install or play games, music or video unless directly related to classroom instruction.

E-mail and Instant Messaging are prohibited in school unless under the direct supervision of a teacher and for a classroom instruction purpose.

Students shall not use any alternative operating system on any RCPS computer.
At a job A.U.Ps could be used to make sure that workers do not go to any websites that would waste thier time. If i were a boss at a big company where my workers had there own computers i would set rules. The rules would be i can see what you are doing at all times. No websites not business related unless approved by me. Also no personal email at work only business email

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