Monday, December 14, 2009

post #10

Alice is a virtual world maker that you can use to create virtual worlds.
To download alice go to .
In alice you can create many different worlds with alot of themes and objects some of the objects are animals, vehicals, people, fantasy, eygpt, japan, mideval, controls, holidays.
Also grass, water, snow desert, space and ocean.
Alice can be used to make short cartoons and virtual worlds.
The pros of alice are it lets you control your world and create a video of what you want
The cons of alice are it has limited charecters and actions.
In Alice i made a scene were a knight and wizard fight a dragon.
I enjoyed alice because it let me create a world of my own even though it didnt let me do all I wanted with it.
I might use alice in the future if i get bored or want to create a world for somthing in my job or somthing.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Post #9

Cyber bullying is when you bully people over the internet.

Article link:,2933,315684,00.html

Article title:MySpace Mom Linked to Missouri Teen's Suicide Being Cyber-Bullied Herself

My article summary

A girl named Megan stopped being friends with some one. Then the friends mom made a blog post called “Megan had it coming” which had a lot of hurtful things . Megan read it and hung herself
Why would a mother want to do that even thought she made her daughter mad
Nothing happened to the bully because there were no laws against it at the time. The victim killed herself
Megan should not have read the article
This is not something I have ever been through so it doesn’t apply.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Post #8

Staying civil online

5 rules for Internet etiquette are

Follow a acceptable use policy if one is set

Don't send junk mail

Use appropriate language on line

Act the same way you would in public as if on the internet

Don't go around security

7 rules for proper Netiquette

Behave as though you are communicating in person: When communicating with someone online, act as if you are talking to that person face to face.

Remember that your words are open to interpretation: Someone can get offended by your words if you dont use them carfully

Do not "shout" online: typing in all caps is considered shouting and is also rude

Do not "flame" other users: dont post insults or other derogatory content

Dont send spam: No junk mail
Do not distribute copyrighted material: do not post anything without the owners permisson

Do not be a coward: never conceal your identity online by hideing behind a user name it doesnt meen you can say anything

I think netiquette is important because people should behave online. It doesnt give you the right to be a jerk.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Post #7

An acceptable use policys are rules that explain what the regulations are for a business or public place. An acceptable use policy is used at glenvar with the students who get laptops and for the code of conduct. 5 rules for glenvar are:

All provisions of the RCPS Acceptable Use Policy must be observed by students using mobile computers both in and outside of school.

ONLY authorized educational programs installed by RCPS staff may be used on Roanoke County mobile computers assigned to students.

Students shall not download, install or play games, music or video unless directly related to classroom instruction.

E-mail and Instant Messaging are prohibited in school unless under the direct supervision of a teacher and for a classroom instruction purpose.

Students shall not use any alternative operating system on any RCPS computer.
At a job A.U.Ps could be used to make sure that workers do not go to any websites that would waste thier time. If i were a boss at a big company where my workers had there own computers i would set rules. The rules would be i can see what you are doing at all times. No websites not business related unless approved by me. Also no personal email at work only business email

Post # 6

An emotion is a feeling. An emoticon is a type of face used in texting instant messaging and any thing your typing on a computer to show emotions.
10 examples of emoticons are:
:) happy :( sad :-D very happy ;) winking : not to bad :()surprised

.( pirate >:( very angry :[) mustache :\ confused

An acronym is letters used to shorten words in texting and internet chatting
A few examples are:

lol-laugh out loud brb-be right back l8-late idk-i dont know ilbl8-ill be late
g2g- got to go idc- i dont care b4-before 4-for imo-in my opinion u-you

Monday, November 9, 2009

Post #5

A HTML is a hyper text markup language. A tag is the HTML code you use for your html an example would be then the words you want then . Open tags are ones that do not end on the page closed tags are the ones that do close. To create an HTML page heres what you do. First you open up the notes page not microsoft word. Then you put in < html >< title > what ever you want for your head of page < body >. Then at the bottom you put and . Then you put in whatever codes you want. Web sites that will give you good codes:
HTML is pretty easy to get but can be challenging if you have the wrong codes. When i started i knew nothing about HTMl. Now i know alot more about how they work and the codes to use to get the stuff to work.I dont know if i will need this in the future but if i do at least i know how to use it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


A ethernet cable connects a computer to the internet. The materials you need are the network cable the RJ 45 jack (2) cable pliers. Instructions Cut wire to desired length. Strip the blue tubing. Untwist the colored wires and straighten them out. Put colors in right order: light orange, dark orange , light green, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light brown, dark brown. Cut wires till even. Hold the jackwith the clip down. Pit wires right inside the RJ45 jack. Check the order. Make sure each wire is in the right slot. Clamp the jack on the blue tube. Repeat steps to other side of the cable. Test the cord. To test the cord get a computer and a ethernet jack and test your cord. In my opinion it was easy to build the cord. I only messed up once. If you screw up once or twice just keep trying to get it right you will gat it eventually

Monday, October 19, 2009

Post #3

Four benifits of a network
They allow many users to access programs and data at the same time
They allow users to share peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners
They make personal communications easier
They make it easier for users and administrators to back up important data files
The diffrence between lan and wan
A WAN is two or more LANs connected together generally across a wide geographical area. A LAN is a system of pcs located reletivley near one another and connected by wire or wireless links
The bus The star

The ring

Network operating systems
Novell Netware
Microsoft windows
Microsoft xp

The diffrence between Client/server networks and peer to peer
Client/server networks individual computers share the processing and storage workload with a central server. Peer to Peer all nodes on the network have equal relationships to all others, and all have similar types of software that support the sharing resources.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


A former Rockwell and boeing engineer from orange county was convicted for charges of economic espionage and acting as an agent of the peoples republic of china. In his ruling the judge found him guilty for six counts of economic espionage to benifit a foreign country. He remains in custody until sentencing on November 9. He is a chinese native who is a naturalized us citizen.
On September 11, 2006, FBI and NASA agents searched Chung’s house and found more
than 250,000 pages of documents from Boeing, Rockwell and other defense contractors inside
the house and in a crawl space underneath the house. Each case of espionage carries a 500,000 dollar fine and 15 years in jail

Friday, October 9, 2009

post #1

The purpose of a blog is to post whatever you want on the internet for other people to see. A pro of having a blog is that you can have people see stuff they need to see with out having to actually talk to them. A con is that anyone can see what you post. Blogs can be safe if you have protected settings on them. Blogs can be used for educational by posting essays and pappers for your teachers and it helps save papper