Friday, February 26, 2010

Post #15

DOS is a Disk operating system. Booting is the first program that runs when your computer is turned on. DOS is text based. To communicate with DOS the screen has a prompt where you enter a command. Case insensitive means that it doesn't matter how you enter the command it will take it anyway ex:tEsT.DOC. Useful things to know about DOS
Set path= makes DOS look in certain places
?= a file with any number
*= wild card
.= look in current directory
Useful DOS commands.
A: change current directory path to floppy disk
C: hard disk drive
DIR: current directory
MD: new directory
CD: change directory
COPY: copy
Del: Delete

DOS organizes disks by a file that has a directory and disk drive structure.
Three ways files are named 1-8 letter name, a period, 3 letter extension.
DOS directories are named by foot directories which have subdirectories.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Post #13

It is a Robot made out of Legos. You can make a lego robot move forward backward turn and grab stuff and talk. You can make it walk talk turn move anything you can think of.

This logo is for Aliens vs Predators. The colors mean nothing at all. I like this logo because it is of Aliens vs Predators and I like that stuff.

I chose it to be this because it looks like a ghost and ghost are cool.

These are my 3 favorite colors. The red is for blood the blue for awesomeness and the black for darkness

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Post #12

An internet game that i play is monkey lander. The sprites are the monkey the space ship and the landing pad. The objects are the fruit and the trees and land. The objective of the game is to fly around the level and get the bannanas without running out of fuel. A space monkey lost his bannanas and has to go to earth to collect them. Unfortunitly he cant breath air so he has to stay in his ship. He also doesnt have much life so he needs to find them quick.

A video game is Fire emblem radient dawn. The sprites are The prince and princes who have there team the dawn brigade and the enemies they fight. Objects are weapons and power ups.
Objective is to free there country from the evil witch. There world is concured by an evil witch with her followers. You take the role of the dawn brigade and the various charecters you meet along the way to fight the menecing witch who at all times makes the enemies stronger and harder and the level objectives different.

Post #11

The name of my game is Kill Fall Blowout Monster Quest Dragon Fight Battle Apocolypse. The evil monster dragon has been destroying the world for 5 years. He has destroyed every place but the island of Apocolypse despite the name of the island it is a pardise with the greatest fighters in the world. They have been setting up an army of there best soldiers since the dragon started destroying. The lead fighter is Thimo Standonia a master at swords and knives.
The sprites are Thimo his two companions and the evil dragon and his minions.
The objects are the weapons and magic the power ups and envioromental things that can be destroyed for power ups.
The age range is M because of blood gore intense violence through out.
The game console would be the wii because it has the capability to swing the weapons when and how you want and be able to control the charecter the way you want him to be. I designed this game the way i did because it has fantasy action and violence which are the best kinds of games.

Monday, December 14, 2009

post #10

Alice is a virtual world maker that you can use to create virtual worlds.
To download alice go to .
In alice you can create many different worlds with alot of themes and objects some of the objects are animals, vehicals, people, fantasy, eygpt, japan, mideval, controls, holidays.
Also grass, water, snow desert, space and ocean.
Alice can be used to make short cartoons and virtual worlds.
The pros of alice are it lets you control your world and create a video of what you want
The cons of alice are it has limited charecters and actions.
In Alice i made a scene were a knight and wizard fight a dragon.
I enjoyed alice because it let me create a world of my own even though it didnt let me do all I wanted with it.
I might use alice in the future if i get bored or want to create a world for somthing in my job or somthing.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Post #9

Cyber bullying is when you bully people over the internet.

Article link:,2933,315684,00.html

Article title:MySpace Mom Linked to Missouri Teen's Suicide Being Cyber-Bullied Herself

My article summary

A girl named Megan stopped being friends with some one. Then the friends mom made a blog post called “Megan had it coming” which had a lot of hurtful things . Megan read it and hung herself
Why would a mother want to do that even thought she made her daughter mad
Nothing happened to the bully because there were no laws against it at the time. The victim killed herself
Megan should not have read the article
This is not something I have ever been through so it doesn’t apply.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Post #8

Staying civil online

5 rules for Internet etiquette are

Follow a acceptable use policy if one is set

Don't send junk mail

Use appropriate language on line

Act the same way you would in public as if on the internet

Don't go around security

7 rules for proper Netiquette

Behave as though you are communicating in person: When communicating with someone online, act as if you are talking to that person face to face.

Remember that your words are open to interpretation: Someone can get offended by your words if you dont use them carfully

Do not "shout" online: typing in all caps is considered shouting and is also rude

Do not "flame" other users: dont post insults or other derogatory content

Dont send spam: No junk mail
Do not distribute copyrighted material: do not post anything without the owners permisson

Do not be a coward: never conceal your identity online by hideing behind a user name it doesnt meen you can say anything

I think netiquette is important because people should behave online. It doesnt give you the right to be a jerk.