Friday, February 26, 2010

Post #15

DOS is a Disk operating system. Booting is the first program that runs when your computer is turned on. DOS is text based. To communicate with DOS the screen has a prompt where you enter a command. Case insensitive means that it doesn't matter how you enter the command it will take it anyway ex:tEsT.DOC. Useful things to know about DOS
Set path= makes DOS look in certain places
?= a file with any number
*= wild card
.= look in current directory
Useful DOS commands.
A: change current directory path to floppy disk
C: hard disk drive
DIR: current directory
MD: new directory
CD: change directory
COPY: copy
Del: Delete

DOS organizes disks by a file that has a directory and disk drive structure.
Three ways files are named 1-8 letter name, a period, 3 letter extension.
DOS directories are named by foot directories which have subdirectories.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Post #13

It is a Robot made out of Legos. You can make a lego robot move forward backward turn and grab stuff and talk. You can make it walk talk turn move anything you can think of.

This logo is for Aliens vs Predators. The colors mean nothing at all. I like this logo because it is of Aliens vs Predators and I like that stuff.

I chose it to be this because it looks like a ghost and ghost are cool.

These are my 3 favorite colors. The red is for blood the blue for awesomeness and the black for darkness